This chapter presents the address read out before the American Society for the Study of Alcohol and Other Narcotic Drugs, at Washington, D.C. on March 17, 1909 and which was published in the Medical Record in May 1909 entitled "A Plea for the Establishment of Hospitals for the Rational Treatment of Inebriates." That inebriety can be successfully treated and that a hospital for inebriates is a great saving and not an expense to the commonwealth, has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the people of Massachusetts where, at Foxboro, there has been such an institution in successful operation for about eighteen years. The State needs most urgently a hospital for inebriates, as a means of preventing insanity, diseased and degenerate offspring, and dependency and crime. Aside from its incalculable value as a saver of men and women, it would be a great financial gain in the end.