A play about which there has been bit of talk in some newspapers (and even somewhat on the radio). What about the classics? It’s often the same ones again and again (a limited selection: three plays by Racine, two by Corneille, four by Marivaux, maximum of five by Molière), or, alternatively, Shakespeare, undying, international, universal great. The director is dreaming of the more than half an hour of applause with which mourners in the hall at University of Venice greeted the body of Professor Mario Baratto, that great specialist of Goldoni’s theatre and of Renaissance Italian drama. A translation of words into silences, into volumes, into substance, into (empty) spaces, into shadows. A translation awaiting interpretation of stage director and actors. That day was really a “premiere” or “opening day” for the author. Besides, the words suggest it: one “presents” his model, makes present of it, offers it and, therefore, accepts, from that moment, that it now belongs to others.