The regions of Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan differ in social-structural characteristics in demographic, cultural, economic, and political dimensions. As such, the regions supposedly manifest differences in creativity, other dispositions, well-being, and other factors in college students. From the results, it turns out that the regions did not exhibit a significant difference in creativity. Nonetheless, the regions displayed significant differences in other dispositions and feelings. Specifically, Mainland China was higher in forgiveness, family value, friendship value, and political activity value, and lower in surgency, laxity in leisure activity value, depression, life satisfaction, and meaningfulness than were the other regions. By contrast, Taiwan was higher in laxity, leisure activity value, extracurricular activity value, and depression, and lower in calmness, forgiveness, family value, and political activity value than the other regions. The special administrative region of Hong Kong and Macau was higher in surgency, laxity, and depression, and lower in forgiveness and political activity value.