The good news is that as their parent, hackers can support their teen to develop their true sense of self, learn financial responsibility, become interested in the family enterprise, and learn how it can help support them. Teens often have polarized reactions to the family enterprise. Chronic addiction, if not fatal, will render hackers' teenager a lifelong dependent whose special needs will drain the family enterprise financially and emotionally, becoming a major source of family conflict. In 2018, teens grappled with managing flop accounts on Instagram to ensure their trustability so they could have honest debates over issues of the day. Teenagers are, for the most part, social animals. Parenting hackers' teenager effectively requires new learning and adaptation. Parents should make a point of showing up at their teens’ performances and games. In the eyes of a teenager, their friends may be the ultimate authority on all things, but other people can and should start to play an important role.