We really hope that you’ve found parts of the book to be applicable to your family life. We set out to capture common parenting moments, since it’s usually helpful just to know that these issues arise in households around the world multiple times a day. Parents and caregivers don’t often share their kids’ worst moments with each other. No one posts a family picture of their kids screaming or fighting each other on social media. Some parents can have honest conversations with their very closest friends and family. Others can only really share the hard stuff anonymously online or in the security of a confidential office with a medical or mental health professional. Many battle through their own daily trenches largely alone. It’s only because we have the luxury of talking privately to families every day that we see how universal these struggles are. We can reassure you that no family is as perfect as it seems, no children are as well behaved, and no parents, stepparents, grandparents, etc. have it all figured out. We also have the privilege of seeing the unbelievable dedication and love that parents and caregivers have for their children. Reading this book is just one of the millions of ways, small and large, that you are caring for the young people in your life.