Effective media writing is based on adherence to the basic principles of proper writing. This chapter feature four sets of guidelines to help writers create effective messages for their audiences. Principles of Standard Usage focuses on syntax, the branch of grammar that deals with the arrangement and relationship of words in sentences. Some of these principles focus on accuracy, levels of formality, agreement of nouns and pronouns as well as subjects and verbs, punctuation, and use of adverbs and adjectives. Principles of Simple Language deals with logical and natural writing, redundancies, contractions, rhyme, and alliteration, and a preference for simple words, short sentences, and active voice. Principles of Meaningful Language includes guidelines for analogies, precise words, strong verbs, clichés, jargon, and euphemisms. Principles of Inclusive Language offers tips on gender-inclusive words, proper pronouns, and words dealing with age, physical characteristics, race, religion, and ethnicity.