Delany became the country’s first black political nationalist with the 1852 publication of The Condition, Elevation, Emigration and Destiny of the Coloured People of the United States of America Politically Considered. Long before Gunnar Myrdal’s An American Dilemma stripped away the American illusion of democratic equality, Condition and Elevation detailed the genesis of American apartheid. For years there had been turmoil among the United States, Spanish and British foreign offices concerning Central America. The US State Department and the British Foreign Office manipulated the political destinies of the Central American regimes at will. Both the United States and Britain recognized the inevitability of a canal between the oceans. The African Civilization Society was founded in 1858 to support emigration to West Africa - a development which encouraged advocates of an international Pan-Negro political agenda. It was led by Henry Highland Garnet, one of the most assertive African-American leaders of the era.