This chapter provides an examination of Communitalism, developed by integral researcher Fr. Anselm Adodo in Nigeria, as one example of a response to current harmful practices in development. An analysis is then provided of how Adodo’s work aligns with the Uttarakhand research. Constructive resilience is described as an evolving theory among Bahá’í scholars and community-builders that promotes the creation of entities and processes that are independent from those of the dominant, oppressive society. A brief history of the Bahá’í Faith orients the reader to this most recent of the world’s revealed religions.

Community-based economic sustainability from the Bahá’í viewpoint is explored through the Bahá’í Holy Writings and within the context of constructive resilience. An analysis of constructive resilience in the context of the Uttarakhand research and Adodo’s Communitalism demonstrates its flexibility and applicability in a variety of field implementation strategies. The Bahá’í vision of economic prosperity as well as emerging economic structures are examined that provide reason for hope.