In the preceding chapters we have discussed a number of different aspects relating to team dynamics and team performance. In this chapter, we begin by taking a closer look at communication in teams and then move on to the individual development of communication competence and general team skills. This is very much a mixture of theory and practice and we include a number of group exercises that are aimed at developing your social intelligence and empathy towards others. As we delve deeper into interpersonal communication, we come to understand how even subtle behaviour impacts significantly on teamwork. Sensitivity towards the needs of others and the ability to participate in shared activities are important characteristics for healthy team functioning. As we have already discussed, some team members benefit from a high level of social intelligence, whereas others may struggle. If we are genuinely open to learning more about ourselves, we can use others to point out negative elements of our behaviour. These may be habits to which you are so accustomed that you may not recognise the unintended effects they can have on others with whom you work. The first stage is to acknowledge shortcomings in how you interact with others and as part of that process you need to decide what type of team person you want to be. The next stage is to put what you have decided into practice by developing skills, initially within the framework of a team environment that is safe and mutually supportive, and then in real-life situations with whoever is out there.