Mindfulness 1: Get off automatic invites the client to notice how mindlessly we usually live and to try out doing something with full present moment awareness. Breath is often a starting point for mindfulness practice, but those with panic or health anxiety, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart problems, etc., may find it challenging and a more advanced practice. Mindful stretch can generate self-critical judgements about body shape, not being fit enough, etc. It is a good opportunity to begin noticing these judgements and then turning the mind back to the sensations of the stretch. Thought soldiers teach how to observe thoughts, giving them to imaginary marching soldiers (or ladybirds). Handing thoughts over rather than engaging with them is a great way to teach a different relationship with internal events. Grounding re-centres the person back into the present moment, even in extreme circumstances where she or he may have lost contact with reality.