Benzoic acid is found in nature in certain gums, and the bark, foliage and fruits of cherries and plums. The crude oxidation product is rectified to yield pure benzoic acid overhead and heavy ends, containing the metal catalyst, are sold for metal recovery. More than 50% of benzoic acid production is used captively for the manufacture of phenol and caprolactam. Benzoic acid is stored as flakes in drums or bags, or in the molten state in stainless steel containers. When handling benzoic acid, care should be taken to avoid contact or inhalation of fine particles of the product. Benzoic acid is added to alkyd resins where it regulates the degree of polymerization and improves surface properties. Benzoic acid is converted to sodium benzoate, benzoyl chloride and benzoyl benzoate. Benzoic acid is only a slight fire hazard, but its hot vapours may form explosive mixtures with air.