Nitrobenzene is an important precursor for the dyestuffs industry. The nitrobenzene is washed with water and sodium carbonate to remove any residual acid, and then with water again. Final purification is by distillation. The most important use of nitrobenzene is in the manufacture of aniline which is used in the dyestuffs, pharmaceuticals and rubber chemicals industries. Hence aniline producers have their associated nitrobenzene plants. Nitrobenzene is also used for the manufacture of explosives, as an inert solvent in Friedel Crafts reactions, in the depolymerization of rubber and as a constituent of shoe and metal polishes. Nitrobenzene is an eye irritant and is readily absorbed by inhalation and through the skin. Nitrobenzene is stable when stored in closed containers which should be protected from physical damage and stored separately in a well ventilated area. Nitrobenzene forms explosive mixtures with aluminium chloride, aniline and glycerine, and reacts with tin, zinc and alkalis.