The loss of romantic love is not what most individuals want or expect from their marital relationship. With that said, it’s important to differentiate between the kind of fleeting unhappiness that is typical in a healthy marriage – and the longer-term, more profound sense of dissatisfaction that comes with falling out of romantic love (FORL).

So how does one know if they have fallen out of romantic love? Chapter 10 provides some clear-cut answers to that sometimes-difficult question. Within these pages, the reader will find ten signs that indicate a person may have FORL.

The author also provides insight into the questions, “Can there be satisfaction in the absence of romantic love?” and “Is it best to divorce?” The simple answer is, “It depends.” There is research supporting an answer of, “Yes,” and there is research supporting the answer of, “No,” all of which is explained in Chapter 10. The author breaks down the many variables that factor into these answers. Chapter 10 also includes great tips for decision making!