Right out of the gate, Chapter 1 ensures the reader that enlightenment and hope are the main objective as we tackle falling out of romantic love (FORL). As simply stated by the author – knowledge is power.

Barriers to understanding FORL begin with confusing terminology. For example, love is a generic term highly dependent on context. In Chapter 1, clear, working definitions are provided for common yet vague terms and phrases such as relationships, love, and even falling out of love. By the end of the chapter, the reader can distinguish between terms such as falling in love and being in love. Overall, this chapter narrows the types of love and corresponding verbiage so that a meaningful discussion and exploration of FORL can begin.

Within Chapter 1, the reader also meets “Andrea” and “Joe.” Their real-life story brings the terminology to life. Through the journey of others, the reader may recognize their own journey through “This Thing Called Love.”