This chapter provides a glimpse into the major topics and themes of Living Media Ethics, which has three upcoming sections that build, test and enhance your values. We begin here with an overview and explanation of moral norms that apply to each of the mass media industries: advertising, journalism, public relations. It covers advances in technology that require journalists and practitioners to know ethical issues across platforms, providing a global and multicultural perspective. Experts and practitioners from each industry provide personal and professional perspectives on truth, accuracy and responsibility. In defining the philosophical precepts of consciousness and conscience, the text invites you to make a personal commitment to truth in an era of purported fake news. Case studies are provided on how one “lives ethics.” You will find personal and group exercises at the end of each chapter, inspiring you to keep a journal or blog documenting your ethical journey. The first exercise pertains to media literacy, challenging you to read deeply, check multiple sources and explore the difference between “motive” and “motivation” in current events. In end-of-chapter journal exercises, you have the opportunity to create content on media ethics for inclusion in an online portfolio that showcases your personal value system.