The chapter covers numerous cases of temptation, which has three major characteristics: (a) It is relative, what tempts one person may not tempt another; (b) it strikes without warning; (c), it involves the clash of two or more values, goals or desires. Methods are provided for you to resist temptation, with case studies from journalists and practitioners explaining how they handled complex situations at the workplace. A section on plagiarism is provided, with definitions of its many forms and examples on how to resist the urge to copy and pass off as your own someone else’s work. Conflicts of interest can be personal or professional and involve monetary and non-monetary quandaries. Major types include digital conflicts, internal legal conflicts, compassionate conflicts, religious and relationship conflicts, diversity conflicts and visual conflicts. Personal and Communal Exercises at the end of the chapter cover a wide range of issues involving temptation, inviting you to apply methods offered here to resist them via strong ethical values.