Contrary to popular belief it was not the Empire Windrush but rather the Ormonde that was to begin process of immigration that would shape modern Britain in the second half of the 20th century. Aware of the delicate nature of issue, the Home Office, Colonial Office and Ministry of Labour entered a dance of obfuscation and evasion until the Colonial Office was bureaucratically outmanoeuvred and left to deal with the Windrush's arrival. The arrival of Empire Windrush itself was greeted with fascination by the press. As Empire Windrush arrived at Tilbury dock it was greeted by the attention of the national press. In London, however, despite a week of newspaper coverage predicting where racial tensions might next manifest in displays of violence, Notting Hill's police failed to put extra officers on the beat. As with the Nottingham riots a week previously, it is generally understood that what became known as Notting Hill Race Riots were triggered by a single quarrel.