This chapter focuses on the English education system. Every child has the right to full-time education, free of charge, and provided by the State. In addition to publicly funded education there exist private fee-paying schools to which parents may choose to send their children. Teachers and other staff in education play a key role in safeguarding children. An Education Supervision Order will be overseen by an education supervision officer who is under duty to advise, assist, befriend, and give directions to the child and his or her parents so as to ensure that he or she is properly educated. The Ofsted Board is responsible for setting strategic priorities, targets, and objectives for Ofsted while responsibility for Ofsted's inspections work lies with the Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills. Maintained schools and academies must comply with the legal requirements and the Admissions Code issued by the Secretary of State for Education when drawing up their admissions arrangements.