Philip K. Dick (PKD) was aware of the imperative need to integrate the feminine principle. In his Exegesis, he recounts a dream in which he claims the dual nature of Christ is revealed to him. In the dream, PKD is presented with an image that he describes as a medieval diptych, of which the right hand panel illustrates the inner nature of Christ. PKD concludes from this dream that the female aspect of Christ, which he regards as the superior part, is Holy Wisdom. He continues by expressing his eager anticipation for what he sees as the next cycle of human evolution which will include a composite of the masculine and feminine principles as depicted in his dream. PKD's reimaged Christ is, in fact, a male/female, Christ/Sophia, syzygy, physically male on the outside and spiritually female on the inside, combining what he sees as the best of both, "masculine posture of assertiveness plus feminine love and warmth".