Russia’s main use of cyberattack is to re-assert itself as a major global geo-political force that keeps its own population subdued and reduces the threat of any interference to its leaders’ hegemony politically. Russian stealth is increasing and the Russians attaching themselves to Iranian networks is a sign of the deceitful tactics of hacking and disinformation to come in the US 2020 elections. To cope and counter very serious cyberwarfare attacks including potential and actual physical infrastructural ones and political ones to do with subsequent elections, the US Cyber Command was given legal sweeping powers to deal with the Russian cyber threat. Russia’s operates a relatively low-cost technology to control the domestic internet, which can be replicated easily elsewhere in the world and used in cyberwarfare that allows Russian rulers to politically interfere around the world. In 2019 Russia successfully tested Runet, unplugging the Russian-controlled internet from the global internet.