In 2014, Comcast Corporation, one of the largest telecommunication organizations in the world, unveiled a pledge to uphold the principles of network neutrality and reject internet fast lanes. Organizations have a stake in Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decisions on network neutrality. For large organizations, eliminating the policy means intensified competition between companies vying for public attention and access. While both the thick and thin versions are dialogue, only the thick interpretation is true digital dialogic communication. Organizations are long identified as one of the most influential forces in public policy development on almost every issue. Media organizations such as Google and Facebook were similarly criticized for even small changes in policy stances which pivoted away from statements about aligning or appreciating a culture of network neutrality. Organizations rely upon public opinion and public support for their success and longevity. Potentially the most publicized example of an organization engaging in dualistic behaviors on network neutrality is communication giant, Comcast.