The terrorist success stories was written by the Irgun Zvai Leumi, a Jewish militant group that operated in what was then the British mandate in Palestine, which committed terrorist acts against British targets. Italian terrorists attacked mostly low and middle-level targets—with a few exceptions, such as kidnapping and killing of former Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978. For the Italian terrorists, all police officers were legitimate and explicitly selected targets; for the West German terrorists, low-level police officers were never intentional targets—even though several were killed by accident during terrorist operations. The terrorist campaign led to the withdrawal of the British from Palestine and establishment of the state of Israel. In the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, members of Palestinian terrorist groups have rationalized the indiscriminate targeting of Israelis on the basis of what they consider the justice of their cause. The nuclear nightmare scenario seems less likely than the threat of terrorists deploying chemical, biological, and even radiological weapons.