Chih-chih was one of the two principal leaders of the Hsiung-nu, and whereas his rival had succeeded in gaming acceptance at the court of Ch'ang-an, Chih-chih's overtures had been rejected; as a result he had turned for sympathy, refuge and support to Sogdiana. Ku Chi believed that it would not be right for Han to break with ties which had already been made by the acceptance of a hostage; and he thought that the risk of exposing a single Chinese envoy to danger by sending him to escort Chih-chih's son home was justified by the hope that such a step might ensure the security of the dynasty. Chih-chih died bravely enough in the thick of the fight and the Chinese were able to recover the insignia of the deceased Han envoys, together with the presents of silk taken by Ku Chi on his ill-fated mission of 45 bc.