The concluding chapter reiterates the major findings around Latina girls’ experiences in school and talks about the role of microaggression by teachers as well as students in perpetuating sexism and racism in the school environment. This chapter emphasizes that the microaggression carried out on a daily basis at FDMS works in tandem with postfeminist ideology to perpetuate systemic gender inequity at the school and suggests possible remedies. Neoliberal education policies have highlighted, but not remedied, the racial achievement gap in the United States. Now, in addition to children of color being relentlessly assessed and surveilled in school, they must also contend with the hateful anti-immigration, anti-affirmative action policies from the federal government. This chapter critically examines questions such as: What is the role of postfeminist ideology in the current U.S. political climate? What will be the impact of undermining policies created to support Title IX which guarantees gender equity in public schools?