Producing tidal energy economically requires a tidal range of at least 10 feet. Ocean waves contain tremendous energy potential, and a machine able to exploit wave power is known as a wave energy converter, which can be installed close to shore or in deeper water. As the sea rises, one solution has been to fortify homes, land, and the coast by building walls against the rising water. Seasteading–or building homes and towns on the water–is the superior solution. Different Solar Radiation Management techniques have been proposed, but the proposals receiving the most attention from researchers would involve brightening marine clouds by spraying seawater into the lower atmosphere, or replicating the cooling effect of volcanoes by spraying reflective sulfate particles into the upper atmosphere. There are several primary types of carbon sequestration or Carbon Capture and Storage. The cap helps ensure that the required emission reductions will take place to keep the emitters within their pre-allocated carbon budget.