This chapter describes small–indeed, tiny–countries: Barbuda and Antigua, Kiribati, and Costa Rica. It highlights the grave and horrific consequences of storms whipped up by the warming oceans, but it can get worse–much worse. The chapter also highlights the devastation to Barbuda, the horrific perils faced by residents of Kiribati, and the remarkable innovativeness of Costa Rica, which may be the first country to rely solely on renewables to meet its energy needs. The enlarged group, the Climate Vulnerable Forum, has played a growing role in international action to promote renewable energy, has set deadlines for ending fossil fuels, and insists on a warming increase of no more than 1.5 Celsius. The other international alliance is made up of low-lying, small states that are at risk of being overtaken by the sea. Another betrayal by the United States government has been Puerto Rico. Donald Trump was nasty and vindictive, accusing Puerto Ricans of being lazy, unappreciative, and whining.