Dystopias take the sloping world to its most extreme point, institutionalizing inequality by eliminating all pretences of democracy and giving the elite permanent, legally binding privileges over the majority. The ultimate dystopia would be a strangely fitting act of human hubris, technologist megalomania attaining its logical transhumanist end, the rocket of growthism taking humanity on a flight to extinction. In the context of disasters caused by increased military conflict, such as disease and famine, as well as mounting climate and environmental breakdowns, it’s not unreasonable to expect that disaster capitalism will develop into dystopia capitalism. The patchy regulation which currently exists around biotechnology, the immortality industry and genetic engineering could disappear entirely and a free-market race to accelerate human augmentation would ensue. Geneticist Lee Silver warns that human cloning and genetic engineering could easily spiral out of governmental control in the future, leading to the creation of a new master race.