When the terror-stricken Dalai Lama was preparing to flee he summoned to his aid the venerable Cardinal of the yellow sect. This dignitary, on hurrying from his country seat to Potala, was surprised and annoyed to find that his saintly master had incontinently fled, and had left behind him his seals of office and a letter in which he appointed the Cardinal to act for him as Regent, face the Mission in his stead, and settle up the dispute as best he could. The Regent had no guard, though he will doubtless have one as soon as force withdraws, as he is de facto King of Tibet, since the Chinese have deposed the Dalai Lama on account of his refusal to return. Regarding the so-called "Mahatmas," it was important to elicit the fact that this Cardinal, one of the most learned and profound scholars in Tibet, was entirely ignorant of any such beings.