There is a great deal more to meaning than the meaning of words. Verbal and written language in concert with non-verbal communication and cultural background all play their part in elaborating a message. There has developed in science over the centuries a number of tools or heuristics for enhancing, explaining and initiating meaning. The notions of identity, distinguishability and difference are at the heart of scientists' attempts at understanding the world, through their theories, observations and experiments. Divisibility is linked in classical times to the Atomism and anti-Atomism discourses. After many decades of research, at last gravitational waves have been observed from colliding black holes. In general relativity there is a natural limit to the force of gravity because of the phenomenon of gravitational collapse and the formation of black holes. The ideas stemming from Integrationism in respect of language as applied to science form a radical backdrop to the use of language in Problematology.