This chapter aims to articulate the epistemological assumptions which underpin the postmodern approach to this study. It discusses to move from such restricted scientific understandings to a different ‘way’ of doing research based on a postmodern approach. Postmodernism has been chosen because of the attractiveness and usefulness of the ideas generated by such epistemological and metaphysical perspectives. In particular, it will be argued, such a postmodern approach allows the inclusion of the notion of spirituality which is not easily accommodated by modernist research methodologies. The postmodern model of science challenges such notions of ‘truth’ as but one metanarrative. The postmodern approach is to view all grand theories as totalising systems, which try to synthesise, or more correctly impose, a construction of reality from one view point. The postmodern concern is to fracture, explore difference, and affirm a multiplicity of epistemological viewpoints.