This chapter argues that conversation by exploring the highly monetizable value of the right-wing populist phenomena, explaining how profiteering opportunities and the emergence of clientelism have significantly enabled and amplified the reach and voice of right-wing political parties. One major reason why right-wing hate-rhetoric continues to be monetizable, and therefore impactful, is because it lends itself so easily to political clientelism. Strategic Communication Laboratories (SCL), parent company of SCL Elections and Cambridge Analytica, reportedly played a key role, via establishment of a lucrative clientelist relationship with political parties and candidates, in furthering a right-wing, populist agenda. In the United States, lobbying is subject to federal disclosure rules whereas Public Relations (PR) work is not, which makes PR a very attractive prospect for political parties seeking to reach a large base. Cognizant of recent removals of campaign limits and the relative weakness of the Electoral Commission, social media giants have profited hugely from hosting lucrative pathogen-disgust-focused political campaigns.