This chapter provides the R4R therapist with instruction on how to help members continue discussing points of tension/disconnections and high-risk situations that could lead to relapse. An example of a hierarchy of feared social eating situations is included to specifically address the importance of nutrition and exposure work for continued recovery. There is an emphasis on helping patients and families identify ways that anorexia nervosa (AN) will try to take advantage of the patient by capitalizing on patient vulnerabilities and twisting patient strengths against them. The therapists are encouraged to help family members reflect on how they will constructively respond to patient stressors and anxiety and offer dolphin and St. Bernard caregiver responses. The chapter includes a clinical vignette showing how the R4R therapists and group members work together to assist a patient to discuss a triggering lunch-time situation at work and problem-solve alternative self-care and coping strategies. Chapter 18 also includes suggestions for how to help members discern mutual from non-mutual supports. Therapists are encouraged to help members begin addressing concerns and feelings regarding termination and to look for opportunities to positively reinforce self-care, practice of R4R emotional and relational skills, and relapse prevention efforts. The chapter ends with an outline of Session 14 main goals and handouts.