In this chapter, the R4R therapist is provided guidance on how to promote continued recovery, accomplishments, future goals, and termination. The therapist is encouraged to continue helping members identify and work through points of tension and disconnections that threaten recovery and practice emotional and relational skills that promote motivation and mutuality. Additionally, the therapist needs to address meanings and feelings related to the upcoming group termination and help members identify future supports, strengths, group accomplishments, next steps, and future goals. The therapist is instructed to help each patient recall an example of a successful outcome they have had by employing a novel solution, rather than allowing anorexia nervosa to solve a problem or meet a need. A clinical vignette is included that provides an example of how to help members address termination concerns and feelings, while emphasizing their strengths and group accomplishments. The chapter ends with the R4R therapist facilitating problem solving about supports needed for discharge and discharge planning that will promote continuity of connections and treatment. A handout is provided to help patients and families identify group accomplishments, future goals, next steps, and supports in the community needed to maintain motivation and connections with self and others for continued recovery. The chapter concludes with an outline of Session 15 main goals and handouts.