Chapter 7 reviews how the R4R therapists engage patients and families during Session 3, the first multifamily therapy group session. This chapter reviews how the therapists (a) promote cohesiveness, universality, and perceived mutuality (i.e., mutual trust, empathy, and empowerment) among group members; (b) begin education about eating disorders as diseases of disconnection, the stages, spiral and processes of change, and Motivational Interviewing principles; and (c) assign homework to practice strategies for connection that strengthen relationships. Chapter 7 outlines how the therapists begin with an icebreaker (examples provided), move into review of group goals, and then into psychoeducation. It provides examples of metaphors, analogies, and specific language that can be used while educating group members about disconnections, stages of change concepts, and Motivational Interviewing. It also outlines how to engage members in small and large group discussion about the patient’s stage of change. There is emphasis on how to help members practice the emotional and relational skills of identifying and sharing feelings. An example of an emotions list is provided, and the reader is reminded that anorexia nervosa (AN) capitalizes on what is unspoken. Session 3 main goals, materials, and handouts are outlined at the very end of the chapter.