Illegitimacy is a surprisingly common theme in literature. In fact, ever since the novel was first invented novelists have been deeply interested in the connected themes of love and marriage, seduction and illegitimacy. The reason why illegitimacy is a common theme is really rather simple. The darker side is all about seduction, rape, deception, prostitution, illegitimacy, social isolation, crime, poverty and disease. Illegitimacy as a literary theme has many aspects. It is used by novelists as a contrast or backdrop to proper marriage, honour, respectability and security. Illegitimacy itself is the paradigm of a shameful secret and can symbolise all kinds of other secrets, deceptions and mysteries. Illegitimacy is an obvious peg on which to hang a moral tale about sexual relationships. Many writers, particularly novelists, contrast the good with the bad sides of sexual love – they contrast, that is to say, legitimacy and illegitimacy, poverty and inheritance, marriage and seduction, disease and purity and so on.