Socrates victim states that of course he knows what right and wrong is, and is probably visibly irritated that anyone should be guilty of such humbug as to doubt it. He then begins in earnest, with a secret chuckle and a merry twinkle in his eye, to land the silly trout wriggling and flopping out of its element, and in the sight of all beholders. Aristotle assigns to Socrates the honour of first using this method of definition in "Ethics" He says the Pythagoreans "had discussed the definition of a few concepts, connecting them with the theory of numbers. The contribution of the genius, one might almost say the common-sense, of Socrates to logical method and ethical theory was to become of enormous importance in the history of philosophy. In view of the Platonic development, it is impossible to exaggerate the service which Socrates has rendered to human thought.