"Why shouldn't it work?" This was the motto, the author followed when he began to tell stories to his body–to his skin cells, to his immune system and even to the hay fever which made him so miserable. The potential applications of therapeutic stories are as diverse as they are varied; in the field of hypnotherapy, for example, they can be used to reduce pain, stop bleeding, cure neurodermatitis and warts, overcome autoimmune diseases, eliminate tinnitus, regulate blood pressure and treat innumerable other disorders. The interventions described in this chapter stem from the efforts author has undertaken to optimise his therapeutic work. When talking about the transfer of hypnotherapeutic findings into non-hypnotic therapy, it is useful to remember the role played by the fundamentals of hypnosis–trance, rapport and suggestive communication – in normal therapeutic dialogue. The therapeutic approach behind the stories is characterised by several principles, originating partly from the tradition of systemic counselling and therapeutic strategies.