Several forms of rock-drills, or perforators, have been constructed on the same principle as that used in the Mont Cenis Tunnel, and a description of one of them will give a good notion of the general principle of all. The 'Burleigh Rock Drill' is invented by Mr. Charles Burleigh, a gentleman hailing from Massachusetts, United States. The patent is the property of Messrs. T. Brown and Co., of London. The principal feature of this new machine is, that it imitates in every way the action of the quarryman in boring a hole in the rock. An extremely interesting system of drilling rocks, totally different from that on which the machines we have just described are constructed, has, within the last few years, been introduced by Messrs. The notion of connecting England and France by a submarine line of A railways is not of the latest novelty, but has been from time to time mooted by the engineers of both countries.