Since suffering is a wholesome discipline, it is not difficult to understand how even the virtuous may be called upon to endure it in God's righteous scheme. Suffering is a loving discipline, and not necessarily punishment inflicted by an angry God, is one of the truths exemplified by the Book of Job. The truth holds good not only of individual suffering, but of general disasters, like war or plague, like desolating tempests or earthquakes, which deal widespread ruin and misery. Pain, in the light of scientific research, is seen to be a danger-signal, alarming and terrifying like the shriek of a fog-horn at sea, but a warning that shields many a life from destruction. Human destiny shows that God holds man accountable for the use he makes of his life. The connection between conduct and fate is not always traceable by the onlooker. But there are cases in which the Divine justice is vindicated even to him.