The busy man is a healthy man. The salt of health, physical, mental, and moral, it is also the safeguard of a noble independence. Idleness is a degradation, to live idly in a world which is seething with life, and from which a thousand voices are forever summoning us to share in its fruitful activities. The Bible is not only a book about Religion; it is a picture of busy, strenuous life. Self-reliance is one of the elements of the good life. To be forced to accept charity or extraneous aid of any kind is often a necessity, but always one that involves a certain humiliation. There is no more disheartening spectacle than that of the man who has made a wrong start in life, and finds himself tied to tasks which he dislikes and even despises. The choice of one's life-work deserves to be made anxiously and prayerfully.