AT the present time many countries are suffering from Socialism and Anarchy, with the attendant evils that always have been associated with every nation wherever the ignorant classes have been allowed to predominate in the councils and the government of the country, with the result that civilization has not been retarded only, but set back again for hundreds of years, at least in the progress of evolution in these countries. This evil is now threatening the whole of humanity and can be arrested permanently only by the Unity of the Brotherhood of Freemasonry ; and it is to point out these facts and the remedy that it has been willed I should write this book for the knowledge of the Brotherhood. The Unity of all the Brotherhood of Freemasonry throughout the world is the only means for a permanent Universal Peace. And what reasons are there against a Universal Brotherhood being formed to establish permanent Peace throughout the world under the principles and tenets of the Craft ? Herein have I set forth details of the same.