This chapter investigates in detail the translation activity of modern Italian-language poets. After a discussion of the Italian book market, and poetry in translation series (Einaudi, Guanda, Mondadori) the chapter analyses the translation statistics of 20th-and 21st-century Italian poet-translators: which poets translated, how many of them translated and how much, and which authors and source languages they translated. The translations are studied by language, date, and genre. Differences and similarities are pointed out with regard to English- and French-language poets. Prolific poets discussed here include, among many others, Giorgio Caproni, Patrizia Cavalli, Maurizio Cucchi, Franco Fortini, Giovanni Giudici, Cesare Greppi, Piero Jahier, Vivian Lamarque, Eugenio Montale, Alessandro Parronchi, Cesare Pavese, Camillo Pennati, Salvatore Quasimodo, Giovanni Raboni, Nelo Risi, Edoardo Sanguineti, Camillo Sbarbaro, Vittorio Sereni, Sergio Solmi, Adriano Spatola, Giuseppe Ungaretti, Patrizia Valduga, and Diego Valeri.