In the reign, begun amidst riots and continued amidst political disturbance, which was to end in the deposition and murder of the King, there was one bright interval when faction was stayed. From the day in 1389 when Richard asserted himself to 1397 peace reigned in England. The accusations of tampering with the records levelled at the King seem to imply that Parliament never meant to delegate its powers so completely as it did. Indeed little might have been heard of the resolution, had not Richard himself drawn attention to his despotism by declaring that his subjects and their property were his chattels to be dealt with as he liked. The ugliest form of despotism showed itself in the way the King could not trust himself to his subjects. The reign of Richard II. remains an unsolved problem. He came to the throne amidst troubles, he grew to manhood amidst rivalries and jealousies, and finally he fell.