The difficulty as to what Kwang Wu Ti should do in regard to his cousin, who now divided the empire with him, was settled by the "Red Eyebrows." They marched all their forces from the east and besieged Hwai Yang Wang in his capital at Ch'ang-ngan, and after a very feeble resistance captured it. Although so successful as a warrior Kwang Wu was a man of so kindly a nature and of such large sympathies that the arts of peace had a greater attraction for him than those of war. In the year A. D. 48 Ma-yuan again at his own request was sent in conjunction with another commander with forty thousand men to suppress a rising of some native tribes in Wuling, in the present province of Hunan. He found the empire at peace, in consequence of his father's vigor and the ability of the great captains that with true military instincts he had gathered around him.