In the year A. D. 912 Liu Shen-kwang, who had been an adherent of Li K'eh-yung, but going over to Chu-wen, had been made Prince of Yen, proclaimed himself Emperor. The year A. D. 919 saw Ts'un-hu in Shantung with a large army, where he captured Yunchow and Puh. Fei Ti was greatly distressed with the tidings of disaster that reached him, and advanced towards the borders of Honan as if with the intention of succouring Tsin-yang. The new Emperor Kau Tsu did not find that universal submission to him that he had expected, for even those that outwardly acknowledged the new dynasty were by no means hearty in their professions of loyalty. The Liang general, feeling that the old dynasty could not be revived, submitted with all his men and ranged themselves on the side of Ts'un-hu.