This chapter shows that emotionality and affect evocation are important components of the discursive construction of news value and are closely connected to the conjunction of verbal and visual properties of news stories. The CCTV image may increase the emotion of contempt in a receiver reading the accompanying text of the news story if he or she learns that we see a murderer or molester. In the realm of factual narration, the CCTV frame acts first and foremost as an evidential medium, as a marker of factuality concerning an event. The creation of an event out of an occurrence entails the will and power to amass meaning around such an occurrence. Helen Caple and Monika Bednarek’s ‘toolbox’ for reading the news value of multimodal news texts can thus usefully be employed to point to the affective framing of CCTV images in news texts. News narratives that use CCTV images are affective extensions of the control systems and their institutions.