This chapter begins with brief comments about Donald Trump and fascism, before going to identify some of fascism's key features, both as a set of significant ideas and as a dialectic of reactionary ideology and mass movement. It turns to Trump's position on climate change in late capitalism, and Carl Beijer's concept of fascism's pincer. With respect to fascism and its rampant sexism and rigidly reinforced patriarchal roles, Trump is, of course, well known for his misogyny. The chapter includes insults, other demeaning remarks, and numerous sexist comments. A consensus on the potentially disastrous issue of climate change began to form in the 1980s. As we hurtle towards the third decade of the twenty-first century, especially with the real possibility that Donald Trump will still be at the helm, climate change must be a top priority in any political program, and particularly one against capitalism and fascism and for socialism.