Queer theologies exist in many different global contexts. This chapter places the spotlight on the diverse social backdrops and contexts in which queer theologies are produced. This allows us to be aware of the influence and impact of geographical locations, social and political climates, connections with other theologies, and concerns that queer theologians express from their contexts. The first part of the chapter focuses on queer and postcolonial criticism. The chapter then surveys queer theologies emerging in global contexts, providing brief overviews of Asian American, Asian, African, Latin American, Black and womanist queer theologies, as well as those in the North Atlantic (Canada, UK, and USA), and Australia. Most importantly, in documenting the innovative and ground-breaking scholarship within these global contexts, the insights from contextual queer theologies highlight the importance of intersectional approaches when engaging in queer theologies. Queer theologies in global contexts demonstrate a commitment to social justice for queer individuals and communities.