This chapter focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of using theoretical-specific supervision models. Theoretical-specific or psychotherapy-based supervision uses the tenets, constructs, and theories developed for counseling and change to assist the supervisors with supervision. In Psychodynamic Supervision, additional emphasis may be on parallel process. Another psychodynamic theory that may assist a supervisee and supervisor is Object Relationship Theory. The basic tenet in Psychodynamic Supervision is the examination of intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships and the parallel process that plays out during the client/counselor interaction and the supervisee/supervisor experience. The main goal is for the supervisor to reassure and encourage the supervisee when counseling and supervision become stressful and awkward. Feminist Theory of Supervision offers an added depth to supervision and its relationships by emphasizing collaborative and equal partnerships between the supervisor and the supervisee. Theoretical-specific or discipline-specific supervision can be rich with supervision material.