Many supervision sessions require digital recordings of counseling interviews or conducting counseling sessions in an actual live observation setting. Interpersonal Process Recall developed by Norm Kagan is a widely used approach that is utilized by many supervisors. Historically the Interpersonal Process Recall training model began using the psychoanalytic modeling approach of counselors-in-training observing a master counselor conduct counseling interviews. Interpersonal Process Recall is a supervisory approach that provides a safe environment for supervisees to analyze possible reasons, unconscious and perhaps conscious, for certain counseling behaviors. In supervision, then the supervisor encourages the supervisee to reflect and interpret the experience in the counseling session. Supervisees need an environment where they can safely analyze their communication styles and strategies. The main goal is to stop a counseling videotape or supervisory session and use the skill of immediacy to gently discover counseling blocks, styles, and experiences.